Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3 Generations

MiMi, Mommy and Ava Beth on Thanksgiving!


Kelly said...

What a beautiful family!

I just had to stop by and say your words on Amanda's blog this morning gave me chills, they were so anointed. Wow- powerful stuff, and the love you have for her (and more importantly the Lord!) is abundantly clear.

I need to go back and copy some of your words in my journal for my own encouragement.


Karen said...

Thank you, Kelly, for your kind words and for stopping by. I truly do love her. We have a past that we do not like and want to get beyond. However, our future sure looks bright. As I grow in the Word and grow in God, I have learned that I love my children, not just because they are my children, but because I love them in the Lord. Especially, Mandi, because she shares my passion for God. Even though we are so different, we have a strong common bond and that is God. Her anointing was birthed in pain but she will see it grow into something beautiful.


Kelly Ann said...

I LOVE this picture of you guys! I am so glad you got to be together for Thanksgiving!